WEBNARS Global Webinar on "Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting"

Webinar conducted

Global Webinar on "Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting"

22 Apr 2023, 5:30 AM

Zoom Meeting


1.  Digital Education and Skills Council (DESC) and Army Wives Welfare Army (AWWA) are pleased to announce a Global webinar on "Water Conservation and Rainwater Harvesting" scheduled on Earth Day i.e 22nd April 2023. The event is aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and nature conservation.


2.  Water conservation and rainwater harvesting are most crucial for sustainable water management and environment protection. The webinar will cover the latest techniques and practices related to water conservation and also focus upon the rainwater harvesting, and their importance in mitigating the effects of climate change. The webinar shall also explore the role of digital technology in water management and the best practices in implementing such technologies.


3.   As we know that Earth Day is an annual event celebrated globally on 22nd April to promote environmental awareness and protect the planet. The event provides an opportunity to engage people in actions that benefit the environment and to promote environmental education and awareness.


4.  DESC, AWWA and the World Bank have been actively engaged in promoting environmental sustainability and nature conservation globally. The presence of eminent speaker from the World Bank at the webinar will allow for greater knowledge sharing and networking, which will benefit all participants.


5. The webinar will include a presentation or a small talk over 10 to 12 minutes by each speaker in the field of water conservation, rainwater harvesting, and digital technology. There will also be a Q&A session for participants to ask questions and engage with the panelists post the webinar. We have a total of 4 to 5 speakers (including Guest of Honour as the World Bank representative and other Eminent speakers from Ministries) who we have planned and aligned themselves for the noble cause. The Webinar duration is planned to be for 65 minutes from 11 AM IST onwards.

What you will learn


SDG 2030 goals to safeguard our Planet from overlooming Drought and Water Scarcity

Technology and Innovation

Learn Latest methods of Water Conservation and Harvesting from World Experts

Education and Knowledge

Knowledge of self-sufficiency and resilience in the face of water shortages.

Legal and Regulatory

National, state, and local regulation with health, safety and water quality standards

Implementing Rainwater Harvesting Systems and Conservation Practices

Best practices for reducing water consumption in homes and businesses

Incentives, Rebates, and Grants for Rainwater Harvesting and Conservation

Available incentives, rebates, and grants at national and intl Level

More about the hosts

-Director of Federation of Industries and Industrial Professionals - Executive Fellow at Woxsen University Hyderabad - Senior Advisor at GLG Council Hong Kong - Doctorate in BA from SSBM, Geneva, Switzerland - Advisor/Coach at IID at Ministry of MSME.

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Dr Pranjal K Phukan

Chief Mentor

A Senior Municipal Engineer working with Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land unit of the World Bank Group. 25 + years of exp in project management, design, research, and techno-economic eval of systems in Water, Wastewater, Drainage, Green infrastructure and Solid Waste sectors.

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Dr Poonam Ahluwalia

Guest of Honour from The World Bank

MSc Remote sensing GIS M Tech Environmental Engineering 25 years experience in Disaster Management, Sustainability and Security Research Papers in Sustainability, Renewable energy and RWH

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Mr Samir Kumar Singh

Senior Government Officer and RWH Specialist


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